Author: Author | 9/2/2018 4:21:17 PM
This article was done as a start and is definitely a work in progress
“Being entertained in Church”
We all participate in Spectator sports; Football, Soccer, Golf, etc… We want to do nothing and be entertained, relax, forget the worries of the day.
Another spectator “Sport’ is when we go to church. We take our non involvement attitude into this arena. This is the total opposite is what is supposed to happen in our lives. We don’t take God serious, we don’t take His Church serious either.
One minister once said this after hearing a comment from one of the people in his congregation, “We will have to make seats in church with no aisles, seats with no stairs.” Why would this be the case in a church? The person had said, “I won’t be in church on Sunday, I will be with you in Spirit.”
Sin deadens the nerves, separates us from God and from one another, We want to be entertained. We don’t want change, we don’t want involvement, we want the entertainment factor, “yet we belong and feel good about it.”
See also